
Welcome to Cricket Fanzine, here you can find all the latest cricket stats, fixtures, and results as well as a bunch of other content.

The fixtures and tournament structure for the 2021 County Championship have been released, check them out here.

Check out the Current ICC world rankings for all formats of the game (men and women). Australia and England dominate the top spots for men and Australia does the same for the women. Click here for the full tables.

Take a look at this interactive map displaying information and the locations of all the main cricket stadiums around the world. Click here

Here are the latest results from the England cricket teams:

Check out the results, scorecards, and statistics from the latest cricket tournaments and series as well as live scores for ongoing matches. Click here

2020 has been an exciting year for England cricket. Check out the top run scorers and wicket takers of the year.

Twitter feeds from the ECB and Sky Cricket